2022 1099-NEC & 1096 Template


2022 1099-NEC & 1096 Template


Completing your 2022 1099-NEC forms is easy with this fillable Word template. Just open the Word document, fill in your recipient's information, and print the info onto your paper 1099 form. This process works best on inkjet printers where manual adjustment of the paper form is easier. Template is compatible with Microsoft Word only (NOT Pages, Google Docs, or Open Office). Since you get access to the template as soon as you purchase, all sales are final and nonrefundable. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE PURCHASING THE CORRECT TEMPLATE FOR YOUR NEEDS. To see exactly how the template works, please watch the video below prior to purchase!

Looking for a 2022 1099-MISC Template? Find it here.

Buy the 1099-NEC template

How it Works



Once you’ve purchased and downloaded the fillable 1099 form template, unzip the folder and select the template you wish to complete. The .zip folder includes both a 1099-MISC and 1096 transmission templates.


Open up the template in Microsoft Word. You’ll see a set of fields that correspond with the fields printed on the paper 1099 forms provided by the IRS. Fill in the necessary fields. All form fields have been included on each template, but you may not need to complete every field. See the instructions provided with your printed IRS forms or consult your tax professional for details.


When you’ve completed filling in the appropriate fields, simply print out the form onto your IRS-supplied paper 1099 form at full size (100%—do not fit to page). It is always smart to do a test print onto a blank sheet of paper first, and you’ll want to make sure to remove the perforated strip from the left edge of the form.


This template does not print the actual 1099-MISC or 1096 form itself—it provides carefully-aligned fields that enable you to enter your information and print it onto the paper forms you can order from the IRS or purchase at an office supply store. It is always wise to do a test print on plain paper to line up with printed forms before actually printing the information onto the final forms.



Designed to be used with Microsoft Word ONLY, and should be compatible with PC or Mac versions. The template will not work correctly with Apple Pages, Google Docs, or Open Office.


Need help using the templates? See our Help page for help troubleshooting common issues.